Mathematics of Personal Finance

  • $700.00 / Full Year
  • $380.00 / Semester 1
  • $380.00 / Semester 2
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Course Description

Our Mathematics of Personal Finance online high school course focuses on real-world financial literacy, personal finance, and business subjects. Students apply what they learned in Algebra I and Geometry to topics including personal income, taxes, checking and savings accounts, credit, loans and payments, car leasing and purchasing, home mortgages, stocks, insurance, and retirement planning.

Students then extend their investigations using more advanced mathematics, such as systems of equations (when studying cost and profit issues) and exponential functions (when calculating interest problems). To assist students for whom language presents a barrier to learning or who are not reading at grade level, Mathematics of Personal Finance includes audio resources in both Spanish and English.

This course is built to state standards as they apply to Mathematics of Personal Finance and adheres to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' (NCTM) Problem Solving, Communication, Reasoning, and Mathematical Connections Process standards.

Course Details

Math, Electives
Grade Levels
High School

Algebra I

Pre–Requisite Courses
Algebra I
Course Length

Full Year: Full year courses are two semesters in length, 18 weeks maximum each. For full year enrollments, students will be enrolled in Semester 1 initially and Semester 2 after completion of Semester 1.

Semester 1: Courses have a maximum duration of 18 weeks per semester.

Semester 2: Courses have a maximum duration of 18 weeks per semester.

Required Materials

Semesters 1 and 2: Required

  • TI-84 Plus, TI-83, or TI-83 Plus Calculator

Course Units & Syllabus

Download the Syllabus

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