Yes! Most likely your student has already gone back to school or will be on the way back to school soon. In light of the unusual year, limited contact with friends, and canceled social gatherings, there are still many ways you can celebrate both meaningful and the lighter moments in life.
We share a few ideas below and we’ve also created a guide featuring special holidays and dates, which you can find here.
Inject silly holiday celebrations into your day.
There is no shortage of holiday celebrations. In fact, just the remainder of September and into the first couple of weeks of October could keep you celebrating nearly every day.
Pick out a couple of these and do something fun with your student to keep their excitement and momentum going as we enter the school year. When you account for the month-long celebrations, the fun just doesn’t stop!
September 19 – Talk Like a Pirate Day
September 21 – International Peace Day
September 22 – First Day of Fall
September 22 – Hobbit Day
September 25 – Native American Day
September 26 – National Family Day
September 28 – National Public Lands Day
September 30 – International Podcast Day
September Monthlong Celebrations – Better Breakfast Month, National Learning and Development Month, Hispanic Heritage Month
October 1 – International Coffee Day
October 2 – Walk and Bike to School Today (even school at home!)
October 3 – National Poetry Day
October 4 – World Animal Day
October 5 – World Teachers Day
October 6 – National Coaches Day
October 7 – National Chocolate Covered Pretzel Day
October 9 – Fire Prevention Day
October 10 – National Cake Decorating Day
October 13 – M&M Day
October 14 – National Fossil Day
October Monthlong Celebrations – Eat Better / Eat Together Month, Emotional Wellness Month, Global Diversity Awareness Month, National Book Month, National Bullying Prevention Month
Plan Virtual or Small Gatherings
In a traditional classroom setting, students will often have the opportunity to participate in art class or to do hands-on crafts with their peers. One way to keep this going is to host a themed craft party with their friends, or even a virtual cooking party.
Whatever you decide, encourage your student to get creative and have fun. These gatherings can bring people together, encourage hands-on projects, all while reminding your student to celebrate the moment!
Historical Themed Celebrations
If your student is interested in history, there are endless opportunities to mark important and historical milestones and recount these events with your student. For example, my son is fascinated by the Titanic. Finding ways to weave in the history of this ship and its voyage throughout the year would definitely excite him.
Maybe your student is interested in art history. You could encourage them to begin planning a vacation that hopefully(!) you will all be able to take once travel resumes. Channeling their curiosity in a positive way can keep them engaged and fulfilled throughout the start of the unusual school year.
Regardless of how you choose to celebrate, we hope you’ll take the time to acknowledge that we are all experiencing something difficult. It’s worth celebrating the small moments to remind us that we can get through this together.